

得到PUCCH hopping information



info= nrPUCCHHoppingInfo(cp,nslot,nid,groupHopping,initialCS,seqCS)returns PUCCH sequence and cyclic shift hopping information. The function assumes intra-slot frequency hopping is enabled. The input arguments are:

  • Cyclic prefixcp

  • Radio frame slot numbernslot

  • Scrambling identitynid

  • Group hopping configurationgroupHopping

  • Initial cyclic shiftinitialCS

  • Sequence cyclic shiftseqCS


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得到PUCCH hopping information for the specified input arguments.

cp ='normal'; nslot = 3; nid = 512; groupHopping ='enable'; initialCS = 5; seqCS = 0; info = nrPUCCHHoppingInfo(cp,nslot,nid,groupHopping,initialCS,seqCS)
info =struct with fields:U: [13 22] V: [0 0] Alpha: [1x14 double] FGH: [11 20] FSS: 2 Hopping: 'groupHopping' NCS: [239 107 223 6 24 2 3 66 238 125 209 145 44 233]

The output fieldAlphaprovides cyclic shifts corresponding to all the symbols in a slot. Since symbol indices are zero-based, to obtain the cyclic shift value corresponding to a symbol index, you must increase the index value.

symInd = 0; alpha = info.Alpha(symInd+1)
alpha = 2.0944

得到PUCCH hopping information for the specified input arguments.

cp ='extended'; nslot = 7; nid = 12; groupHopping ='enable'; initialCS = 9; seqCS = 0; info = nrPUCCHHoppingInfo(cp,nslot,nid,groupHopping,initialCS,seqCS)
info =struct with fields:U: [20 4] V: [0 0] Alpha: [1x12 double] FGH: [8 22] FSS: 12 Hopping: 'groupHopping' NCS: [149 255 173 255 146 141 25 167 198 12 63 78]

To obtain the base sequence group number and base sequence number when intra-slot frequency hopping is disabled, consider only the first elements ofUandV.

u = info.U(1)
u = 20
v = info.V(1)
v = 0

Input Arguments

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Cyclic prefix length, specified as one of these options:

  • 'normal'— Use this value to specify normal cyclic prefix. This option corresponds to 14 OFDM symbols in a slot.

  • 'extended'— Use this value to specify extended cyclic prefix. This option corresponds to 12 OFDM symbols in a slot. For the numerologies specified in TS 38.211 Section 4.2, extended cyclic prefix length only applies for 60 kHz subcarrier spacing.

Data Types:char|string

Radio frame slot number, specified as an integer from 0 to 159. For normal cyclic prefix of different numerologies, the valid range is from 0 to 159. For extended cyclic prefix, the valid range is from 0 to 39. For more details, see TS 38.211 Section 4.3.2[1].

Data Types:double

Scrambling identity, specified as an integer from 0 to 1023.nidis higher layer parameterhoppingId, ranging from 0 to 1023, if the higher layer parameter is configured. Otherwise,nidis the physical layer cell identity numberNCellID, ranging from 0 to 1007. For more information on these values, see TS 38.211 Section

Data Types:double

Group hopping configuration, specified as'neither','enable', or'disable'. ThegroupHoppingargument is higher layer parameterpucch-GroupHopping.

Data Types:char|string

Initial cyclic shift, referred to asm_0in TS 38.211 Section, specified as an integer from 0 to 11. For PUCCH formats 0 and 1,initialCSis higher layer parameterinitialCyclicShift. For PUCCH format 3 demodulation reference signals (DMRS),initialCS必须是0。For PUCCH format 4 DMRS,initialCSmust be 0, 3, 6, or 9. For more information, see TS 38.213 Section 9.2.1[2].

Data Types:double

Sequence cyclic shift, referred to asm_csin TS 38.211 Section, specified as an integer from 0 to 11. For PUCCH formats 1, 2, 3, and 4,seqCS必须是0。

Data Types:double

Output Arguments

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Sequence and cyclic shift hopping information, returned as a structure that contains these fields:

Parameter Field Values Description

1-by-2 integer vector

Base sequence group numbers, returned as a 1-by-2 integer vector with element values from 0 to 29. The first vector element corresponds to the first hop in a slot. The second vector element corresponds to the second hop in a slot.


1-by-2 logical vector

Base sequence numbers, returned a 1-by-2 logical vector. The first vector element corresponds to the first hop in a slot. The second vector element corresponds to the second hop in a slot.

1-by-14 integer vector,

1-by-12 integer vector

Cyclic shifts of all symbols in a slot, returned as a 1-by-14 integer vector (for normal cyclic prefix) or 1-by-12 integer vector (for extended cyclic prefix). The first vector element corresponds to the first hop in a slot. The second vector element corresponds to the second hop in a slot.

1-by-2 integer vector

Sequence-group hopping pattern, returned as 1-by-2 integer vector with values from 0 to 29. The first vector element corresponds to the first hop in a slot. The second vector element corresponds to the second hop in a slot.

nonnegative integer

Sequence-group shift offset, returned as a nonnegative integer from 0 to 29.





Hopping configuration, returned as'neither','groupHopping', or'sequenceHopping'. The hopping configuration is based on the input argumentgroupHopping.

1-by-14 integer vector,

1-by-12 integer vector

Hopping identity of cyclic shifts, referred to asn_csin TS 38.211 Section, returned as a 1-by-14 integer vector (for normal cyclic prefix) or 1-by-12 integer vector (for extended cyclic prefix). A vector element at positionicorresponds to the hopping identity of cyclic shift at symbol positioniin a slot.

Data Types:struct


[1]3GPP TS 38.211. “NR; Physical channels and modulation.”3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

[2]3GPP TS 38.213. “NR; Physical layer procedures for control.”3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

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