
Plot Path Gains for TDL-E Delay Profile with SISO

情节巴勒斯坦权力机构th gains of a Tapped Delay Line (TDL) single-input/single-output (SISO) channel using annrTDLChannelSystem object.

Configure a channel with delay profile TDL-E from TR 38.901 Section 7.7.2. Set the maximum Doppler shift to 70 Hz and enable path gain output

tdl = nrTDLChannel; tdl.SampleRate = 500e3; tdl.MaximumDopplerShift = 70; tdl.DelayProfile ='TDL-E';

Configure transmit and receive antenna arrays for SISO operation.

tdl.NumTransmitAntennas = 1; tdl.NumReceiveAntennas = 1;

Create a dummy input signal. The length of the input determines the time samples of the generated path gain.

in = zeros(1000,tdl.NumTransmitAntennas);

To generate the path gains, call the channel on the input. Plot the results.

[~, pathGains] = tdl(in); mesh(10*log10(abs(pathGains))); view(26,17); xlabel('Channel Path'); ylabel('Sample (time)'); zlabel('Magnitude (dB)');

See Also

System Objects