
3D World Editor Library

3D World Editor Library Objects

The 3D World Editor includes a library of virtual world objects, which you can insert into a virtual world. The library consists of component, texture, and material objects. These library objects supplement the default empty nodes available via theNodesmenu or theInsert Fromcontext menu item. The library objects are predefined with specific nodes and property settings to represent common virtual world effects.

Examples of component objects in the library include:

  • 飞机

  • Vehicles

  • Backgrounds

  • Shapes

Examples of texture objects are:

  • Surface of Earth

  • Surface of the moon

  • Surfaces of building materials

Examples of material objects are:

  • Colored plastics

  • Colored metals

  • Sand

After you add a library object to a virtual world, you can modify its nodes and properties.

Add a Library Object

To add a 3D World Editor library object to a virtual world:

  1. Select the parent node under which you want to insert the library object.

  2. Use one of these techniques to access the library objects:

    • Select theNodes>Insert Frommenu item.

    • Right-click the parent node and select theInsert Frommenu item.

    The set of objects displayed depends on the parent node that you select. For example, if you select a child node under aTransformnode, you can choose amongComponentsublibrary objects. To add a material object, select anAppearance要么Materialnode ormaterial场地。要添加纹理库对象,请选择一个Appearancenode ortexture场地。

  3. To find the object that you want to insert, follow the folder paths.

You can also insert objects from other locations, using theInsert From>Other Locationmenu item.

  • The firstTransformnode of the file that you select from another location is inserted in place into the tree view of the virtual world that you are editing.

  • If you want to insert a whole virtual world 3D file into the virtual world that you are editing, use theNodes>Inline Virtual Reality 3D filemenu option.

Before you add a custom library object from a location other than from the 3D World Editor object library, seeGuidelines for Using Custom Objects.

Guidelines for Using Custom Objects

If you use a VRML or X3D object from a source other than from the 3D World Editor object library, the object must comply with these rules.

  • A component object must be in a file that contains at least oneTransformnode.

  • A material object must be a file whose only content is a fully qualifiedMaterialnode.

  • 纹理对象必须是:

    • A.png,.jpg, or.gifgraphics file for use in the URL field of anImageTexturenode.

    • A file whose only content is a fully qualifiedImageTexturenode.

If you create VRML or X3D objects to use with the 3D World Editor, create your own folder for storing the custom objects. Avoid using the 3D World Editor library folder. Use your own folder so that you can:

  • Edit the custom library object in the library folder; the 3D World Editor library folders are generally read-only.

  • Update to a future version of the金宝app®3D Animation™product without compatibility issues relating to mixing custom objects with the 3D World Editor objects.
