
Choose a Viewer

Select host or client viewer

To view a virtual world, you can use:

  • The default金宝app®3D Animation™Viewer

  • TheSimulink 3D AnimationWeb Viewer, to view a virtual world in an HTML5-enabled web browser

  • The Orbisnap browser (shipped with theSimulink 3D Animationsoftware), to view a virtual world remotely from a client computer.

To change the default viewer, set aSimulink 3D Animationpreference.


vrgetpref Values of Simulink 3D Animation preferences
vrsetpref Change Simulink 3D Animation preferences


Virtual World Viewers

Select a supported virtual world viewer.

Set the Default Viewer

If you have an HTML5-enabled web browser, you can view virtual worlds with either the defaultSimulink 3D AnimationViewer or your web browser.

Open a Viewer Window

When you simulate a model that contains a VR Sink block, your default viewer opens and displays the virtual scene.