
金宝app3D AnimationTextures

The following are texture file recommendations for金宝app®3D Animation™models:

  • Where possible, scale source texture files to a size equal to a power of 2 in both dimensions. Doing so ensures optimal performance for theSimulink 3D Animationviewer. If you do not scale the files, theSimulink 3D Animationviewer can attempt to descale the image or create textures with undesired resolutions.

  • Use source texture files whose size and detail are no more than what you need for your application.

  • Where possible, use the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format as the static texture format. You can also use the GIF and JPG graphic formats.

  • 对于电影纹理,使用MPEG格式。为optimal performance, be sure to scale source texture files to a size equal to the power of 2 in both dimensions.

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