
3D World Editor

The 3D World Editor is a native VRML and X3D editor.

For an example that shows how to see the 3D World Editor to create a virtual world, seeBuild and Connect a Virtual World.

Supported Platforms

The 3D World Editor works on all supported platforms for the金宝app®3D Animation™product.

The 3D World Editor is installed as part of theSimulink 3D Animationinstallation. It is the default virtual world editor.

Use with Other Editors

As you create a virtual world, you can use a different editor for individual phases of the process.

Choose an editor that best meets your needs. For a description of the benefits and limitations of different types of editors, seeChoose a Virtual World Editor.

VRML and X3D Support

The file formats for the 3D World Editor are VRML and X3D.

The 3D World Editor supports all VRML97 types and language elements, except as noted.

For general VRML limitations relating to theSimulink 3D Animationsoftware as a whole, seeVRML Compatibility.

For general X3D limitations relating to theSimulink 3D Animationsoftware as a whole, seeX3D Support.

PixelTexture Nodes

You cannot create or editPixelTexture节点图像内容。现存的PixelTexturenode image contents are fully preserved

Nodes, Library Objects, and Templates


Use the 3D World Editor to:

  • 创建虚拟世界,组装节点。您可以添加指定虚拟世界的许多方面的节点,例如:

    • Appearance (for example, font style, color, and material)

    • Navigation information (for example, navigation mode and headlights)

    • Geometry (for example, boxes, text, and elevation grids)

    • Groups (for example, transforms)

    • Interpolators

    • Light

    • Sensors

  • Select objects from a set of supplied libraries or from custom libraries for:

    • Components (for example, geometric objects, backgrounds, aircraft, vehicles, landscapes, and architecture)

    • 斜纹布ls

    • Textures

  • Use a supplied template as a starting point for a virtual world.

Template Virtual World 3D Files

The 3D World Editor includes template virtual world 3D files that you can use as a starting point for creating virtual reality worlds. Some examples of templates are the Earth, road, sea, and terrain virtual world templates.

To access templates, use one of the following approaches:

  • SelectFile>New From Template.

  • Select theNew File From Templatebutton.

A template file name displayed in the 3D World Editor always starts withTemplate:.

To adapt the template world for your application, edit the file. To save your changes, use theFile>Save Asoption. You cannot overwrite an existing template file.

You can create your own template files. Store them in a different folder than the folder used for template files provided withSimulink 3D Animation.

In virtual worlds that you create, you can reference nodes, such as texture files, that appear in the template files provided withSimulink 3D Animation.

See Also

