
VR RigidBodyTree

VisualizeRobotics System ToolboxRigidBodyTree objects in金宝app

  • 库:
  • Simulink 3D Animation


Use theVR RigidBodyTreeblock to visualize RigidBodyTree objects from Robotics System Toolbox™ in the金宝app®3D Animation™viewer.



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Robot configuration that solves the desired end-effector pose, specified as a vector. A robot configuration is a vector of joint positions for theRigid body treemodel. The number of positions is equal to the number of non-fixed joints in theRigid body treeparameter.

Data Types:single|double


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Specify the virtual world in which theRigid Body Treeis visualized

Specify the location of theRigid Body Treeobject in the scene hierarchy. For more information on scene hierarchy, seeCreate a Virtual World.

Specify the name of the Robotics System ToolboxRigid Body Treeobject to be used in the virtual world. If a robot with an identical name is already present in the virtual world, it is used for visualization by default.

You can enable theAlways use robot definition from the RigidBodyTree objectparameter to overwrite the existing robot, if present, with the robot specified by theRigid Body Treeobject.

Enable this parameter to always create a robot from theRigid Body Treeobject specified by theRigid Body Treeparameter.

By default, the virtual world uses an existing robot by the same name, if it exists.

Enable this parameter to ensure that theSimulink 3D AnimationViewer is open during simulation.

Extended Capabilities

See Also

Introduced in R2018b