
I2C Devices

Read and write to I2C devices connected to Arduino®hardware

Create an Arduino object usingarduinobefore you use I2C functions. SeeConnect to Arduino Hardwarefor more information.


device Connection to device on I2C bus on Arduino hardware
scanI2CBus Scan I2C bus on Arduino hardware for device address
read Read data from I2C bus
write Write data to I2C bus
readRegister 读取数据从I2C device register
writeRegister Write data to I2C device register
i2cdev Connection to device on Arduino hardware I2C bus


Communicate with an I2C EEPROM Device

Learn how to store and retrieve data from an I2C EEPROM device.

Measure Temperature From I2C Device on Arduino® Hardware

Learn how to measure temperature from an I2C device on your Arduino hardware.

Arduino I2C Interface

Learn how Arduino hardware interfaces with the I2C protocol.