
Standard File Formats

Access measurement data format (MDF), ASAM calibration data format (CDF), and binary logging format (BLF) files

Use thecdfxfunction to access an ASAM calibration data format CDFX-file.

Use themdffunction to access a measurement data format MDF-file, then read its data and save its attachments.

UsemdfDatastoreto access a datastore of MDF-files.

Useblfreadandblfwriteto import and export data from Vector binary logging format BLF-files.


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cdfx Access information contained in CDFX-file
instanceList Parameter instances in the CDFX object
systemList ECU systems in the CDFX object
getValue Retrieve instance value from CDFX object
setValue Set instance value in CDFX object
write Export data of CDFX object to file
mdf Access information contained in MDF-file
channelList Information on available MDF groups and channels
read Read channel data from MDF-file
saveAttachment Save attachment from MDF-file
mdfInfo Information about MDF-file
mdfSort Create sorted copy of MDF-file
mdfVisualize View channel data from MDF-file
mdfDatastore Datastore for collection of MDF-files
read Read data in MDF datastore
readall Read all data in MDF datastore
preview Subset of data from MDF datastore
reset Reset MDF datastore to initial state
hasdata Determine if data is available to read from MDF datastore
partition Partition MDF datastore
numpartitions Number of partitions for MDF datastore
blfinfo Get information about Vector BLF file
blfread Read data from Vector BLF-file
blfwrite Write data to Vector BLF-file

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