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金宝app®检查™checks facilitate designing and troubleshooting models from which code is generated for applications that must meet safety or mission-critical requirements and modeling guidelines.

For descriptions of the modeling standards checks, see

See Also


Simulink Requirements™checks facilitate linking between requirements documentation and your model .

For descriptions of the requirements consistency checks, seeRequirements Consistency Checks(Simulink Requirements).

See Also

Modeling Standards Checks

Modeling standards checks facilitate designing and troubleshooting models from which code is generated for applications that must meet safety or mission-critical requirements or the global MathWorks®Advisory Board (MAB) modeling guidelines.

ASimulink Checklicense is required to execute these MAB checks. Where applicable, additional license requirements are identified in the check-specific documentation.

For descriptions of the Model Advisor checks that verify compliance to the modeling standards, see

See Also