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Set up model parameters for HDL code generation


hdlsetup("modelname")sets the parameters of the model specified bymodelnameto common default values for HDL code generation.

Open the model before you invoke thehdlsetupcommand. After usinghdlsetup, you can useset_paramto modify these default settings. For example:

See this table for the solver configuration parameters thathdlsetupconfigures. These parameters reside in theSolverpane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.

Configuration Parameter Setting Command-line Parameter Setting Description
SetTypetoFixed-stepandSolvertoDiscrete (no continuous states). SetSolvertoFixedStepDiscrete. This fixed-step solver is best suited for simulating discrete systems. Variable-step solvers are supported under limited conditions.
SetFixed-step size (fundamental sample time)toauto. SetFixedSteptoauto.

IfFixed step sizeis set toautothe step size is chosen automatically, based on the sample times specified in the model.

Disable theTreat each discrete rate as a separate taskcheck box. SetEnableMultiTaskingtooff. HDL Coder™ does not currently support models that execute in multitasking mode..

hdlsetupalso configures other parameters that control error severity levels, data logging, and model display options. To view the complete set of model parameters affected byhdlsetup, seeCheck for model parameters suited for HDL code generation.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b