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Search and Replace Text

Processing text data often involves finding and replacing substrings. There are several functions that find text and return different information: some functions confirm that the text exists, while others count occurrences, find starting indices, or extract substrings. These functions work on character vectors and string scalars, such as"yes", as well as character and string arrays, such as ["yes","no";"abc","xyz"]. In addition, you can use patterns to define rules for searching, such as one or more letter or digit characters.

Search for Text

To determine if text is present, use a function that returns logical values, likecontains,startsWith, orendsWith. Logical values of1correspond to true, and0corresponds to false.

txt ="she sells seashells by the seashore"; TF = contains(txt,"sea")
TF =logical1

Calculate how many times the text occurs using thecountfunction.

n = count(txt,"sea")
n = 2

To locate where the text occurs, use thestrfindfunction, which returns starting indices.

idx = strfind(txt,"sea")
idx =1×211 28

Find and extract text using extraction functions, such asextract,extractBetween,extractBefore, orextractAfter.

mid = extractBetween(txt,"sea","shore")
mid = "shells by the sea"

Optionally, include the boundary text.

mid = extractBetween(txt,"sea","shore","Boundaries","inclusive")
mid = "seashells by the seashore"

Find Text in Arrays

The search and replacement functions can also find text in multi-element arrays. For example, look for color names in several song titles.

songs = ["Yellow Submarine";"Penny Lane";"Blackbird"]; colors =["Red","Yellow","Blue","Black","White"]; TF = contains(songs,colors)
TF =3x1 logical array1 0 1

To list the songs that contain color names, use the logicalTFarray as indices into the originalsongsarray. This technique is calledlogical indexing.

colorful = songs(TF)
colorful =2x1 string"Yellow Submarine" "Blackbird"

Use the functionreplaceto replace text insongsthat matches elements ofcolorswith the string"Orange".

ans =3x1 string"Orange Submarine" "Penny Lane" "Orangebird"

Match Patterns

Since R2020b

In addition to searching for literal text, like “sea” or “yellow”, you can search for text that matches a pattern. There are many predefined patterns, such asdigitsPatternto find numeric digits.

address ="123a Sesame Street, New York, NY 10128"; nums = extract(address,digitsPattern)
nums =2x1 string"123" "10128"

For additional precision in searches, you can combine patterns. For example, locate words that start with the character “S”. Use a string to specify the “S” character, andlettersPatternto find additional letters after that character.

pat ="S"+ lettersPattern; StartWithS = extract(address,pat)
StartWithS =2x1 string"Sesame" "Street"

For more information, seeBuild Pattern Expressions.

See Also


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