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Pulse integration


Y = pulsint(X)
Y = pulsint(X,METHOD)


Y= pulsint(X)performs video (noncoherent) integration of the pulses inXand returns the integrated output inY. Each column ofXis one pulse.

Y= pulsint(X,METHOD)performs pulse integration using the specified method.METHODis'coherent'or'noncoherent'.

Input Arguments


Pulse input data. Each column ofXis one pulse.


Pulse integration method.METHODis the method used to integrate the pulses in the columns ofX. Valid values ofMETHODare'coherent'and'noncoherent'. The values are not case sensitive.


Output Arguments


Integrated pulse.Yis an N-by-1 column vector where N is the number of rows in the inputX.


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Noncoherently integrate 10 pulses of a sinusoid with added Gaussian white noise.

npulse = 10; x = repmat(sin(2*pi*(0:99)'/100),1,npulse) + 0.1*randn(100,npulse); y = pulsint(x);

Plot a single pulse and then the integrated pulses.

subplot(2,1,1) plot(abs(x(:,1))) ylabel('Magnitude') title('First Pulse') subplot(2,1,2) plot(abs(y)) ylabel('Magnitude') title('Integrated Pulse')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title First Pulse contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Integrated Pulse contains an object of type line.

More About

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Coherent Integration

LetXijdenote the(i,j)-th entry of an M-by-N matrix of pulsesX.

The coherent integration of the pulses inXis:

Y i = j = 1 N X i j

Noncoherent (video) Integration

LetXijdenote the(i,j)-th entry of an M-by-N matrix of pulsesX.

The noncoherent (video) integration of the pulses inXis:

Y i = j = 1 N | X i j | 2


[1] Richards, M. A.Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Extended Capabilities


Introduced in R2011a